Madhura G

words from the heart

Personal Blog

Words from the heart is like peeking into the mind of a human who just can’t stop spinning tales! Dive into personal anecdotes, a sprinkle of made-up stories, the 3 am musings of an overthinker, whimsical poems, and much more from a girl who’s basically a big kid with a creative streak. Get ready to laugh, cry, and scratch your head in bewilderment!

In the realm of the forgotten, I softly move,
A whisper in the wind, a thought unsaid.
Fading into nowhere, like a waning moon,
A melody unsung, an unheard tune.

Invisible to the eye, silent to the ear,
In the vast expanse of nowhere, I disappear.
Like a shadow at dusk, blending with the night,
I’m a star unseen, devoid of light.

Fading into nowhere, like a forgotten dream,
A ripple in the water, a silent scream.
Lost in the black hole, where time stands still,
I’m a winter’s gust, a forgotten chill.

In the canvas of the cosmos, I’m a missing stroke,
An echo in the void, a word unspoken.
Fading into nowhere, I find my peace,
In the realm of nothingness, I find release.

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